Courses in Argentine Tango with the “Marcela Szurkalo Method”

The “Marcela Szurkalo Method” is a synthesis of the various disciplines Marcela has learned and experimented with in order to teach Argentine Tango.

The lessons are divided into three parts. The first consists in preparatory exercises in rhythm, body communication, body placement, balance, posture and alignment, and then students are familiarized with what they will be learning that day. The second part involves working in couples, the man leading and the woman following. The last part consists in practicing what has been taught, with give and take between the various members of the class, beginning to enter into the philosophy and nature of tango as a social dance.



San Giovanni, Rome

Courses 2019/20


***Beginner Course ( 2 lezioni di prova aperte gratuite) Saturday 09/21 and 09/28 h3 PM.
***Beginneri 2° level. Sabato ore 16,15. (Start 09/21 )
***Intermediate course. Monday h19,45. (Start 09/23)
***Colectivo tanguero (Tango and fisic theater). Monday h 21. (Start 09/23)

***Tango practice, Vals and milonga. Saturday h17,30 (2 volte al mese inizio 09/21)
***Ladies Tango Techniques. Saturday h17,30 (twice a month, start 09/28)


Ass sportiva “Sanlorenzina” via dei Sabelli 119, San Lorenzo, ROME
Info: 338 79 66 797 // 328 70 46 157.

San Lorenzo, Rome

Courses 2019/20

***Beginner Course. Thursday h20 (Free open trial lesson 26/09)
***Intermediate Course. Tuesday h20. (Start17/09)
***Advanced Course. Tuesday h21,30 ((Start 17/09)
Associazione sportiva Sanlorenzina. Via dei Sabelli 119, San Lorenzo.
Info: fb@marcelaszurkalo // 3287046157 //


Colectivo tanguero:

Marcela Szurkalo has created the “Colectivo Tanguero” that is a cultural project of Tango-Theather with a final show.
locandina tango teatro sett2017The Colectivo Tanguero is a group constituted  by common people that like dance tango or play music, artists and anyboby (no dancer, no musician) that is interested in taking part of it. Effectly the word ‘Colectivo’ means in Argentinian languages ‘bus’ where anybody can get in.
All people are involved in a laboratory of physical-theatre, improvisation and musical dramaturgy.
By this laboratory people can express his own physical and behavioral peculiarities that are used as theatral languages to create the final shows:
‘Naturalmente uguali…Buffamente diversi’
‘Tutti possono salire’  

The city of Rome, as  capital of Italian country, offers a lot of opportunities, nevertheless as many other metropolis in the word can be alienating for people and communities. Colectivo tanguero aims to reduce the distances between people retrieving deep human relationships by new creative ways: The creative activities are considered as an effective means to activate quickly a deep communication. In this way, all social formalism and  ‘masks’  disappear and the communication is facilitated and become more natural and immediate.

Furthermore, this way of working let neighbourhood identity is discovered and expressed.

On a different ground this approach permits to reach other specific objectives, for example in a small place, to overcome a closed culture that sometimes can be characterised by prejudices.

Colectivo Tanguero, facilitate the human relationship and socialization, overcoming social identity and sphere, age and personal culture.

The Colectivo aims to confirm the human equality and promotes the expression of diversity.